Reality starts with a thought, and through words and action are manifested into existence. We have the power to change any negative reality that has been foretold. This journey doesn’t have to be that painful if we can show and demonstrate to God that karmic lessons have been learnt.
But it is not enough to just sit-down close eyes and meditates all day, nothing will change without action to make it happen.
We can begin by counteracting whatever has been foretold. Using our own affirmations and then take action to bring a positive timeline into our existence. We are powerful co-creators, and so it is with this that I am going to put out there into the universe the following positive timeline affirmations.
Positive Timeline affirmations
• I together with many others reject the separation mentality, that seeks to cause disharmony, resentment and hate amongst. This mindset does not represent us.
• I together with many others embrace unity consciousness, peace and tolerance at it serves and is more in alignment with our higher good.
• I together with many others reject racism and any form of inequality and discrimination, as these have no place in a world we envisage for ourselves.
• I together with many others instead embrace, fairness, equality, love and appreciation for ourselves as well as others all creatures great and small.
• I together with many others reject greed and a power-hungry mindset, because this mindset encourages reckless mistreatment of others for personal gain.
• I together with many others instead embrace, kindness and generosity towards others as these are more in alignment with our higher good.
• I together with many others reject control in any way shape or form as this is a low vibrational emotion and does not represent us.
• I together with many others instead embrace the freedom of choice, freedom of speech freedom of expression freedom to be because freedom is a birthright.
• I together with many others reject war and conflict or any other actions which encourage, promote and support war and conflict as these do not serve us.
• I together with many others instead embrace peace for a world we choose to exist in.
• I together with many others reject the anti-Christ as we have no desire to have such an entity, no other negative entities as part of our world especially when they try to make their appearance as we transition through the thick layer of the 4th Dimension.
• I together with many others instead embrace the love of God the highest and purest Divine source and only desire for this to be our guiding light through our journey.
• I together with many others reject actions that detrimental to our planet earth.
• I together with many others embrace actions that preserve the earth and appreciate the planet for its beauty and life-sustaining nature.
• I together with many others reject leadership that doesn’t serve us, doesn’t respect our needs and requirements. Hides the truth from those that they are appointed to serve.
• I together with many other embrace democracy that is open and fair as this is in alignment with our higher state.
• I together with many others reject a negative timeline. But instead, embrace a positive timeline for the ascension of our planet into the 5th dimension.
Please bless us all
Thank you God/ Source
Earth: On a Journey some helpful tips 2 prepare
Summary : Earth on a Journey some helpful tips
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