We all live in a 3rd Dimension matrix on this earth plain. A matrix system governed by structures of control, that govern our way of existence. These systems encourage and cause us to live in a state of fear, to exhibit anger, to show hatred and judgment towards one another. Some of these systems include religious systems that have mislead us into hating one another for no reason. Economic and financial systems that cause countries and individuals to pursue their own self -interest to the detriment of others and to our planet. A great desire for power, greed and control over others has become prevalent in our world. We have grown technologically but fallen short spiritually. The 3rd Dimension state of being or level of consciousness is a low vibrational state.
There is a better way of existence, a higher state of existence, a higher state of vibration. Our God exists in the higher dimensions, and so this is synonymous with a higher state of vibration. A higher vibration means, a happier state of existence, joy, freedom of choice, freedom from control, freedom of expression, equality, abundance for all, peace, contentment and unity with all of existence.
Awakened soul, join our movement and help raise the vibration and consciousness of our planet. Help others to break free from the fear and shackles that govern our world. Help by raising awareness of how our thoughts, words and actions, can have an impact on
ourselves, others and the world we live in.
We are committed to raising consciousness on our planet. A higher level of consciousness and vibration improve the way we treat each other as well as improving our world not only for us but also for future generations. We are committed to working for more unity, peace and tolerance towards one another. We believe that improving spirituality allows humanity to tap into infinite God-consciousness, which ultimately will be the path to a better world for us all. Join our movement to participate in making our world a better place through Petitions.
We also want to influence policymakers and world leaders. You can help by contributing to the 1World1 vision document which aims to offers all of humanity an opportunity to contribute and have a say about matters relating to us and our planet. Take part in co-creating a new Heaven on earth for it is the way God intended. Together we can facilitate, together we achieve, together we can do it. Thank you all
ESCAPE THE 3D Matrix for a Newer Better Earth
- Protest / stand up for what you believe in
- UFOs disclosure
- Talking relationships men/women
- Doctors and health professionals talk vaccines
- COVID Vaccine components
- Vaccine injury
- COVID Vaccines have you been magnetized
- David Koontz debunked conspiracy or reality
- Science gone too far animal/human DNA manipulation
- Parallel worlds and realities
- Numerology 144/1444 Prophecy of the light bearers
- Helping you with the process 3D to 5D alignment
- The power of positive prayer (various languages)
- The music zone helping to raise your vibration
***Part 2 Surviving a chaotic world and making the 5th Dimension cut