Tips: This list of traits used to assist in my own personal journey is not exhaustive, only a guide, so make your own and add as you go along in your journey called life. We all exhibit traits in each dimension and it is not supposed to be a checklist nor something to be used to compare yourself with others. This is about your own personal development. Doing your own shadow work
Be prepared for the energetic ups and downs during the purging process. Don’t give up especially during the 4th-dimensional test zone
3rd Dimension Duality (Low Vibe) | 4th Dimension Duality (Low Vibe) | 5th Dimension Unity (High vibe) |
Living in fear Relying on others for guidance Not trusting own intuition Feeling disconnected from Higher self Feeling disconnected from Source/God Ego Envy Jealousy Pride Hatred Anger Holding grudges Anxiety Ghosting Gaslighting Codependency Lack of self-respect Lack of respect for others Depression Separation mentality Blame mentality Victim mentality No sense of direction Gossiping about others Use of negative words Control issues even in relationships No interest Not living authentic self rather being false | Facing your own shadow The filter zone (Dark Night of the soul ) Chaos The test zone Choices/Temptation | Connected to the higher self Connected to source Breaking free Unity consciousness Living the best version of yourself Living your best life Freedom to be Freedom of choice Freedom of expression Love Honesty Respect Integrity Gratitude Living your purpose Enjoying your life Happiness Joy contentment Peace Tolerance Non-judgmental |